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Beat Bugs

Plans start at just $7.99
With songs made famous by the Beatles, five friendly bugs learn big lessons about the world around them -- all from the safety of their own backyard.
Starring:Ashleigh Ball, Lili Beaudoin, Charles Demers
Creators:Josh Wakely
Plans start at just $7.99

This Emmy-winning kids' series features the talents of P!nk, Sia, Eddie Vedder, James Corden and other big-name stars.


Beat Bugs


Beat Bugs

  1. Watch Help / Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Episode 1 of Season 1.

    Jay's stuck in a sticky situation when he falls into an open jam jar. The Bugs seek out a sleep doctor to get Buzz some much-needed Z's. P!nk sings.

  2. Watch I Am the Walrus / I'm a Loser. Episode 2 of Season 1.

    Walter recalls the day he met the Beat Bugs. The Bugs help Morgs the Stick Bug see he's got a hidden talent. James Corden sings.

  3. Watch Come Together / Rain. Episode 3 of Season 1.

    Crick dreams up a tree house with something for everyone. Boris the Bullfrog shows gloomy Buzz how to have fun in the "Rain" (as sung by Aloe Blacc).

  4. Watch Good Day Sunshine / Sun King. Episode 4 of Season 1.

    With Mr. Sun away on holiday, the Beat Bugs try to jump-start summer. A sullen Buzz embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Robbie Williams sings.

  5. Watch Penny Lane / Birthday. Episode 5 of Season 1.

    A stage made out of pennies is the perfect place for Crick to express himself. Jay and Crick get lost and almost miss their own surprise party.

  6. Watch I've Just Seen a Face / Magical Mystery Tour. Episode 6 of Season 1.

    No one believes the details of Jay's larger-than-life adventure. A grasshopper invites the Bugs on a "Magical Mystery Tour" (as sung by Eddie Vedder).

  7. Watch When I'm 64 / Doctor Robert. Episode 7 of Season 1.

    An old alarm clock sends Jay into the future โ€ฆ well, sort of. A stuffed-up, sneezy Buzz is too scared to go see "Doctor Robert."

  8. Watch Ticket to Ride / Getting Better. Episode 8 of Season 1.

    The Beat Bugs turn a broken wheel into a thrill ride, but Kumi's the only one with a ticket. Crick builds a robot to take care of his sick friends.

  9. Watch Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite / You've Got to Hide Your Love Away. Episode 9 of Season 1.

    When "Mr. Kite" crashes in the garden, the Bugs try to lift his spirits. A misunderstanding sends a wounded Walter on a quest for new friends.

  10. Watch Day Tripper / In My Life. Episode 10 of Season 1.

    The Beat Bugs get stranded while helping a sightseeing cicada. A party for Katter the Pillar doesn't quite go according to plan. Frances sings.

  11. Watch Why Don't We Do It in the Road / The Word. Episode 11 of Season 1.

    When the Bugs make a bad decision, Walter must bring them home safely. Strange signs point the Bugs to a fly who loves playing games. The Shins sing.

  12. Watch Glass Onion / Honey Pie. Episode 12 of Season 1.

    The Bugs find a beautiful Christmas ornament. Postman Bee's grandmother has trouble remembering the recipe for "Honey Pie" (as sung by the Lumineers).

  13. Watch Carry That Weight / Blackbird. Episode 13 of Season 1.

    The Beat Bugs agree to host a colony of homeless ants. When she flies into Mr. Moonlight, a dreamy "Blackbird" (as sung by Sia) breaks her wing.

  1. Watch Yellow Submarine / I Call Your Name. Episode 1 of Season 2.

    When the garden floods, the Beat Bugs turn an old bottle into a submarine. Jay and Walter butt heads over a game of Bug Ball.

  2. Watch With a Little Help from My Friends / Get Back. Episode 2 of Season 2.

    After watching Walter perform, an ambitious Buzz tries to put on a show all by herself. Jay runs away after ruining the Village Art Show.

  3. Watch Mr. Moonlight / There's a Place. Episode 3 of Season 2.

    A dejected Mr. Moonlight leaves the Beat Bugs in total darkness. Crick proves himself an MVP when Mee-Yow the Cat crashes the Bug Games.

  4. Watch We Can Work It Out / Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Episode 4 of Season 2.

    Mountain climbing makes enemies of Jay and Walter -- until Jay needs help. Walter considers leaving when a circus comes to town. Rod Stewart sings.

  5. Watch Christmas Time Is Here Again / Drive My Car. Episode 5 of Season 2.

    Buzz is determined to meet the Christmas Beetle. Dee-Structor the radio-controlled truck longs for a mind of his own. Chris Cornell sings.

  6. Watch Tomorrow Never Knows / Nowhere Man. Episode 6 of Season 2.

    Kumi rallies the Bugs to help Julia find her rainbow brooch. Crick falls down a hole on a camping trip and lands in the lair of the "Nowhere Man."

  7. Watch Strawberry Fields Forever / The Fool on the Hill. Episode 7 of Season 2.

    A flock of greedy birds are bent on eating every last strawberry. The Beat Bugs go to great lengths to feed a Garden Gnome with a disgusting appetite.

  8. Watch And Your Bird Can Sing / I'll Follow the Sun. Episode 8 of Season 2.

    Jay has his heart set on climbing the Big House. It's time for Blackbird to return to her flock. Regina Spektor and Jennifer Hudson sing.

  9. Watch Hello Goodbye / Got to Get You into My Life. Episode 9 of Season 2.

    The Beat Bugs find a gigantic cell phone but have no idea what it does. Walter mistakes Bulldog's lost ball for his new best friend.

  10. Watch Eleanor Rigby / I'm So Tired. Episode 10 of Season 2.

    The Bugs help a pair of filmmakers catch the elusive Eleanor Rigby on camera. The Mud Wasps are keeping everyone awake. Of Monsters and Men perform.

  11. Watch Hey Bulldog / I'm Happy Just to Dance with You. Episode 11 of Season 2.

    A stray dog would make a great pet for Julia, if only he didn't stink. The Bugs try to plan the best dance party ever. James Bay and Tori Kelly sing.

  12. Watch It Won't Be Long / Anytime at All. Episode 12 of Season 2.

    When Buzz and Morgs fall into a hole, teamwork is the only way out. Buzz gets a new alarm for emergencies but keeps using it for fun.

  13. Watch Please Mr. Postman / Across the Universe. Episode 13 of Season 2.

    When Buzz falls and hurts her ankle, her friends send a letter to Blackbird. Major work in the garden threatens the Beat Bugs' habitat.

  1. Watch A Day in the Life. Episode 1 of Season 3.

    After Jay bonks his head and loses his memory, Lucy and the Beat Bugs work together to try and help him remember who he is.

  2. Watch Paperback Writer. Episode 2 of Season 3.

    Self-conscious Kumi doesn't want anyone to see the book she's been working on. But the secret's out when a breeze blows the pages everywhere!

  3. Watch Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. Episode 3 of Season 3.

    After something mysterious wafts through the garden, the Beat Bugs are "cursed" and can't stop speaking in rhyming verse!

  4. Watch Two of Us. Episode 4 of Season 3.

    There's too much togetherness when Walter and his sister, Freda, try living under the same roof. But it's even harder to live apart!

  5. Watch Yesterday. Episode 5 of Season 3.

    The Beat Bugs do everything they can to reunite Julia with her favorite teddy bear when she accidentally leaves it in the garden.

  6. Watch Taxman. Episode 6 of Season 3.

    After Bulldog bounds through the village, Cockroach offers to repair the damage. But his help comes with a hefty price tag.

  7. Watch Let It Be. Episode 7 of Season 3.

    Buzz follows a "lovely light" and meets a beautiful firefly named Mother Mary, who helps the lost Beat Bugs find their way home.

  8. Watch Revolution. Episode 8 of Season 3.

    Kumi looks for a peaceful way to stop a "whachama-nado" from whipping through the garden again. But Jay is itching to fight back!

  9. Watch She Came in Through the Bathroom Window. Episode 9 of Season 3.

    After Stinkbug's house is destroyed, the Beat Bugs set up a police force to protect the village from a mysterious creature.

  10. Watch Lady Madonna. Episode 10 of Season 3.

    The Beat Bugs leave the safety of the garden and embark on a dangerous mission to help a Russian doll find her missing child.

  11. Watch I'm Only Sleeping. Episode 11 of Season 3.

    Crick goes looking for peace and quiet, only to get stuck in a storm. Can he dream up an invention to get himself -- and his friends -- out of danger?

  12. Watch Oh! Darling. Episode 12 of Season 3.

    The Beat Bugs come face to face with a scary-looking spider while they're out hunting for Halloween candy. Good thing he wants to be friends!

  13. Watch Michelle. Episode 13 of Season 3.

    While searching for a missing Kumi, the Beat Bugs find a mysterious French princess who isn't quite what she seems.

  14. Watch You Won't See Me. Episode 14 of Season 3.

    The Beat Bugs are hopping mad when Chameleon, a sneaky salesman, tricks them into buying worthless junk. The trouble is, now they can't find him!

  15. Watch I'm Down. Episode 15 of Season 3.

    It's Buzz to the rescue when a world-famous flying ace crash-lands in the garden and needs help getting back in the air.

  16. Watch Mother Nature's Son. Episode 16 of Season 3.

    Winter's coming earlier than normal, and Crick's in a panic! But Boris the Bullfrog reminds him that Mother Nature will always provide.

  17. Watch Come and Get It. Episode 17 of Season 3.

    When winter food supplies dip to dangerously low levels, the Beat Bugs go foraging for more and find a stockpile that doesn't belong to them.

  18. Watch The Night Before. Episode 18 of Season 3.

    The Beat Bugs wake up after a party with no memory of what happened the night before. But never fear! Buzz is on the case.

  19. Watch Hey Jude. Episode 19 of Season 3.

    When Julia's baby sister, Jude, escapes into the garden, it's up to the Beat Bugs to keep her safe -- and that's a whole lot harder than it sounds!

  20. Watch Martha My Dear. Episode 20 of Season 3.

    The Beat Bugs follow the clues to find Uncle Tusk's missing co-star, Martha, when she disappears right before a big show.

  21. Watch From Me to You. Episode 21 of Season 3.

    A wounded Buzz feels left out when Walter meets an overeager mosquito named Mo and makes him his new assistant.

  22. Watch Baby, You're a Rich Man. Episode 22 of Season 3.

    A worried Walter journeys next door to find out what happened to his old friend, Artie, only to learn that he's living the good life!

  23. Watch Only a Northern Song. Episode 23 of Season 3.

    Everyone's shocked when Buzz invites strange "Northern" bugs to her birthday party -- but she's determined to make new friends.

  24. Watch I'll Be on My Way. Episode 24 of Season 3.

    When Granny Bee announces she's returning to the hive, Buzz and the Beat Bugs prepare a special picnic with all of her favorite recipes.

  25. Watch Good Morning, Good Morning. Episode 25 of Season 3.

    It's back to the farm for Julia's new pet rooster, Feathers -- unless the Beat Bugs can help him fix his faulty crow.

  26. Watch The Long and Winding Road. Episode 26 of Season 3.

    Buzz wants to know where memories come from, so she goes on an adventure to try and find some for herself.

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Ashleigh BallLili BeaudoinCharles DemersRebecca HusainErin Mathews

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