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Take 1

Plans start at just $7.99
Renowned musicians pull out all the stops to give a song of their choice the greatest live performance they can muster — and all in a single take.
Starring:Sumi Jo, Yim Jae-beum, You Hee-yul
Creators:Kim Hak-min
Plans start at just $7.99


Take 1


Take 1

Limited Series
  1. Watch Sumi Jo. Episode 1 of Season 1.

    Not one to back down from a challenge, Sumi Jo combines classical music with Korean sounds and aesthetics for her performance of a whimsical aria.

  2. Watch AKMU. Episode 2 of Season 1.

    The sibling duo AKMU overcome many technical difficulties while preparing an ambitious production that involves skydivers and a multitude of dancers.

  3. Watch Yim Jae-beum. Episode 3 of Season 1.

    Yim Jae-beum returns to the stage after a six-year hiatus with a bare-bones performance that lets music do what it does best — heal and comfort.

  4. Watch RAIN (Jung Ji-hoon). Episode 4 of Season 1.

    Jung Ji-hoon, also known by the stage name RAIN, pours his heart into an elaborate spectacle as the first to perform at an iconic house.

  5. Watch Lena Park. Episode 5 of Season 1.

    Lena Park reflects on her life as she tackles a song she once deemed too difficult. With special guests in attendance, she's in for an emotional ride.

  6. Watch You Hee-yul. Episode 6 of Season 1.

    You Hee-yul comes back to the humble venue where he and his band first got their start. The fans share their memories of growing up with his music.

  7. Watch MAMAMOO. Episode 7 of Season 1.

    After two years of building separate careers, the four members of MAMAMOO come together to bring forth a mashup of their team’s hit songs.

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Sumi JoYim Jae-beumYou Hee-yulLena ParkJung Ji-hoonAKMUMAMAMOO

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