The night before a crucial football match, Pini and Nisso are out to make sure the opposition don't get any sleep. Sparks fly when the plan backfires.
Still in shock from the doctor's announcement, the pair contemplate their futures. Nisso makes a hard decision โ before hearing more bad news.
Still reeling from his diagnosis, Nisso continues acting recklessly. Pini steps in to help, and together they look for new ways to save the bar.
Pini has his suspicions about the incident next door and decides his partying days are over. Nisso visits Rotem, leaving her even more confused.
On a trip away together, Pini looks for a way to explain his decision to his friend. But before he can do so, Nisso gets into even more trouble.
A night out proves eventful for the Beitar fans. Searching for a quiet spot, Nisso and Pini end up in a metal bar โ and meet some unfriendly regulars.
News from last night spreads fast and worries Alma. In Krakow, Nisso avoids Pini and befriends a mysterious stranger.
Rescued by Pini yet again, Nisso finally tells him the truth. With both their futures depending on the outcome, the long-awaited match kicks off.