When Gran moves into the cave with the Croods, she drives Grug nuts and embarrasses Eep in front of the first-ever group of cool kids.
Eep loves to compete, so she teams up with her new friend Lerk and plans to win a school hunting exam, no matter what she has to do.
When Eep and Thunk play the world's first dare game, Thunk must face his biggest fear. Meanwhile, Grug starts a fight with the moon.
After snobby neighbors move in next door and complain about a bone pile blocking their backyard view, the Croods start the first prank war ever.
Everyone loves it when Thunk uses shadow puppets to make the world's first movie ... until they see the end of the show.
When Grug and Ugga go out on a date and leave the kids home alone, Eep throws the first-ever house party, which gets out of control.
Eep invites her friends over for the first sleepover in history. Meanwhile, Thunk saves the day when wacky beasts invade.
Grug takes Ugga out to practice her hunting skills, but there are some kinds of animals that she just can't seem to catch.
When Eep becomes a veg-a-eat-ian, the family hunts for the biggest veggies they can find -- until something makes them go back to eating meat.
After the Croods taste a new food for the first time, they can't stop eating it. Later, Grug is called a zombie after taking the world's first nap.
Grug won't let Eep join his winning team, so she forms her own group to play in history's first sports event.
Because he is so stinky, Thunk pretends to be something that he really isn't. Meanwhile, an animal bite has a freaky effect on Grug.
When things go missing in the middle of the night, Eep hunts for clues to solve the first mystery ever.
During a solar eclipse, Gran fakes her own death to teach her family a lesson. The Croods must tame Sandy's wild behavior or she'll get exiled.
When Eep goes gaga over a new boy at school, the Croods try to cure her. Thunk falls in with the wrong crowd, to his family's dismay.
Grug struggles to learn a hunting skill that requires brains rather than brawn. When the adults ban dancing, the teens rebel with an underground club.
To cure their mom's bad mood, Thunk and Eep learn how to surprise her in a good way. Eep hunts for an elusive night mare but finds the night crazies.
Eep makes the scream-leading team and falls under her coach's influence. After neighbor Snoot's wife kicks him out, the Croods help him win her back.
Eep and Thunk stumble upon a treasure trove of eggs and become rich -- and mistrustful of each other. Gran finds new friends just as crabby as she is.
After getting grounded (literally) for making mischief with her friends, Eep bets her father that he can't survive even one day as a teenager.
To get a break from his honey-do list, Grug has his doppelgรคnger fill in for him. Eep and Thunk try to sabotage a pair of cheaters' idea fair project.
While Thunk baby-sits, Sandy gets blamed for trouble caused by a tiny new neighbor. Worried Thunk is too soft to survive, Gran vows to toughen him up.
The valley's kids seize a chance to create a no-rules society. With a huge egg at stake, a contest is held to see who can hold onto it the longest.
After inventing ventriloquism, Thunk gets jealous when his puppet upstages him. Banned from dating, Eep sets out to unite two buffalippos instead.
Eep becomes a death-guard at the watering hole, which proves less exciting than she thought. Gran convinces everyone she can control the weather.
On vacation, the Croods find a family living alone in a utopia too good to be true. The Croods must escape and warn Ahhh! Valley before it's too late.
After finding their way out of a creature's stomach, the Croods head back to Ahhh! Valley to stop the Broods from taking over their homeland.
While Grug has his first day as leader of Ahhh! Valley, a new family pet makes Sandy jealous. Eep and Thunk try out a new lazy lifestyle.
Eep finds a mysterious pen pal to share her feelings with. When Gran reveals she's hidden a treasure guarded by booby traps, Eep sets off to find it.
While giving a lesson on self-reliance, Grug suffers a mishap that tests his will to survive. A plan to get revenge against the Broods backfires.
Squawk's students try to add some fun to his dreary life. When the Broods steal the valley's food supply, it's up to Eep and Lerk to get it back.
To help get all the valley's work done, Grug pairs up every adult with a child trainee. Ugga joins the "nitting" club, but has trouble fitting in.
When Munk reports his family missing, Grug takes it upon himself as valley leader to find them. The residents of Ahhh! Valley celebrate Howl Day.
When the Big Chickuna invades the valley, all the residents evacuate to safety except for Bulk, whose rescue becomes a contest between Grug and Snoot.
While he and Eep are held captive by the Broods for a ransom, Thunk finds his soulmate. Ugga's popular meatzza business attracts a competitor: Amber.
Eep realizes softy Thunk is the perfect partner for winning a cutthroat game. Grug invents a sport he hopes will earn him a spot on the Wall of Fame.
Thunk demonstrates an unexpected talent that lands him a new job. A sticky situation forces Grug to accept Gran as his hunting partner.
Grug uses fear to get the residents to accept defense measures against the Broods. While laid up with an injury, Eep witnesses a suspicious encounter.
A new liyote in the neighborhood targets Thunk for bullying. When Grug is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, he must escape to clear his name.
Accused of stealing the valley's food stash, the Croods are allowed a "try-all" to prove their innocence. Kevin gives Thunk tips on attracting girls.
Eep tricks her parents into letting her go to a grown-up party. To win back the title of Hefty Hunter, Grug seeks the help of a personal trainer.
Sandy expresses her frustrations about being treated like a baby by breaking into song. Grug helps Munk get his job back with an IQ-boosting worm.
While unconscious, Eep has a life-changing vision. Afraid he's no longer respected as valley leader, Grug enlists Thunk to perform his life story.
Lerk's plan to save her worm playmates from becoming bait spirals out of control. Grug introduces his new invention to Ahhh! Valley: the spear.
Eep drags her friends into Ahhh! Valley's Tunnel of Terror to see if it lives up to its name. A mysterious creature saves Thunk from drowning.
When Grug loses his commanding voice, he and Ugga search for it. Meanwhile, Eep gets carried away while acting as the valley leader's spokesperson.
After finding out Thunk is in love with Blurg Brood, Eep tries to interest him in a new girl. Ugga attempts to drive away selfish neighbor Snoot.
Eep's love of competition and destruction ruins Thunk's teamwork-based game. Squawk gets fired and is replaced by a very different kind of teacher.
Grug stumbles on an easy way to solve feuds as valley leader. Thunk narrates a documentary on one of Ahhh! Valley's many creatures: the bearowl.
To win a bet, Gran decides to marry Mow. Ahhh! Valley's kids compete in the Beasty Pageant to see who best poses, calls and struts like an animal.
To graduate with their pals, Thunk and Womp take Squawk's crash course. Without asking the other residents, Grug makes a peace deal with the Broods.
A fast-approaching asteroid headed toward Ahhh! Valley leads the residents to make hasty moving plans, but Grug insists he can defend their homeland.