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Dark Desire

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Married Alma spends a fateful weekend away from home that ignites passion, ends in tragedy and leads her to question the truth about those close to her.
Starring:Maite Perroni, Erik Hayser, Alejandro Speitzer
Creators:Leticia López Margalli
Plans start at just $7.99

Starring Maite Perroni ("El juego de las llaves"), Alejandro Speitzer ("The Club"), Erik Hayser ("Ingobernable") and Jorge Poza ("Ringo").


Dark Desire


Dark Desire

  1. Watch It's Just Sex. Episode 1 of Season 1.

    A law professor overhears her husband in a suspicious phone conversation, and later visits her recently divorced friend, who drags her to a nightclub.

  2. Watch One Last Night of Passion. Episode 2 of Season 1.

    Alma tries to set boundaries with Darío, and later walks in on a scene that supports her suspicions about Leonardo. Zoe questions her sexual identity.

  3. Watch What Common People Call Love. Episode 3 of Season 1.

    When forensic evidence suggests Brenda had just met with a lover, the police focus their efforts on identifying him. Darío gets Alma to open up to him.

  4. Watch Love, That Word. Episode 4 of Season 1.

    Alma reveals her lover's name to Esteban, who pays him a visit. Darío finds an upsetting photo in his mom's room. Zoe tries to figure out who Animus is.

  5. Watch What Do You Know About Darío Guerra?. Episode 5 of Season 1.

    At the hotel, Darío spies on the anniversary celebration. Esteban digs deeper into Daríos's background and finds a connection to an old murder case.

  6. Watch Are You Missing The Good Old Times?. Episode 6 of Season 1.

    Esteban shows Alma a case file. Zoe follows a GPS signal in hopes of finding Animus. Security video footage reveals the last person who visited Brenda.

  7. Watch You Messed With The Wrong Woman. Episode 7 of Season 1.

    Flashbacks reveal the start of Lucinda's illness. To test a theory Esteban has, Alma follows his instructions and asks Darío to meet her at a motel.

  8. Watch The Tell-Tale Heart. Episode 8 of Season 1.

    Alma has second thoughts about leading Darío into Esteban's trap and starts to panic. Meanwhile, Leonardo begins to suspect his wife is cheating on him.

  9. Watch A Wicked Game of Mirrors. Episode 9 of Season 1.

    Leonardo orders an exhumation. A flashback reveals the rest that transpired between Esteban and Darío. Zoe receives a surprise visitor at school.

  10. Watch The Beauty of a Sudden Death. Episode 10 of Season 1.

    Zoe is taken on a mysterious outing. A clue at Darío's shop leads Alma to a horrifying realization. Esteban's review of the security videos pays off.

  11. Watch Nothing is What it Seems. Episode 11 of Season 1.

    Evidence found at the picnic site spurs Leonardo to hunt down Darío. Later, after begging Alma not to air their dirty laundry, he suffers a breakdown.

  12. Watch We've Messed Up So Much. Episode 12 of Season 1.

    Esteban asks Vallejo to steal police evidence. Leonardo makes an admission to his brother, and recalls his final meeting with Brenda at her home.

  13. Watch You Were Only an Innocent Victim. Episode 13 of Season 1.

    A gruesome find is made. Esteban gets hold of Leonardo's phone records and shows them to Alma. Zoe detects Animus's phone signal and zeros in on it.

  14. Watch Two Truths and One Lie. Episode 14 of Season 1.

    The police apprehend a suspect carrying the evidence bag from Brenda's case. Alma demands answers from Darío. Leonardo's medical test results come back.

  15. Watch We Never Talked About Love. Episode 15 of Season 1.

    Lucinda insists she's owed money. García reviews the security videos and gets suspicious. Leonardo reveals what happened the last time he saw Brenda.

  16. Watch Revelation 21:8... Fire Is Set Upon His Anger. Episode 16 of Season 1.

    The man who stole the evidence related to Brenda's case tells García who hired him. Darío remembers where Esteban held him captive and returns there.

  17. Watch We Kill What We Love. Episode 17 of Season 1.

    Zoe makes a confession to her mom. On the run, Leonardo calls Esteban for help. García obtains an audio recording from the last phone call Brenda made.

  18. Watch The Answer Was Always There. Episode 18 of Season 1.

    An unexpected encounter answers Alma's lingering questions about the past weeks. García receives forensic results from the textile factory explosion.

  1. Watch Eros and Psyche. Episode 1 of Season 2.

    Esteban is released from prison. A mysterious woman named Lys joins Alma's support group. A letter in the mail brings shocking news about Darío.

  2. Watch You Can Never Escape Something Like This. Episode 2 of Season 2.

    Alma decides to warn Julieta about Darío and ends up bumping into him. At her bachelorette party, Julieta receives an eerie text and a tragedy occurs.

  3. Watch No One Can Run From Themselves. Episode 3 of Season 2.

    Detective Montaño takes the lead in Julieta's case. Zoe requests a favor of her friend at the morgue. Alma asks Lys about her connection to Darío.

  4. Watch The Other. Episode 4 of Season 2.

    After having a conversation with Leonardo, Íñigo starts suspecting Darío. Then, crucial evidence found on the roof turns Darío into the prime suspect.

  5. Watch Walking on Hot Coals. Episode 5 of Season 2.

    When Darío insists that someone is impersonating him, a distrustful Alma reaches out to Esteban to try to unearth his past and confirm her doubts.

  6. Watch You Were Always My Mirror. Episode 6 of Season 2.

    Alma spots Darío's alleged doppelgänger. Julieta's cellphone is found. Worried about her mom, Zoe orchestrates an intervention with Leonardo and Mónica.

  7. Watch A Dangerous Cocktail. Episode 7 of Season 2.

    Esteban and Montaño keep collaborating to crack the case. A video on Julieta's cellphone turns Alma into a suspect in the police investigation.

  8. Watch Don't Believe a Thing You Hear. Episode 8 of Season 2.

    While Alma and Darío are on the run looking for Lucinda's suitcase, Esteban plants a microphone in Montaño's office and sets out to find them.

  9. Watch You've Become Your Own Worst Enemy. Episode 9 of Season 2.

    Esteban resorts to an aggressive method to help Alma. A video taken on Darío's 18th birthday reveals a shocking truth about his relationship with Lys.

  10. Watch Everyone Reads Their Own Story. Episode 10 of Season 2.

    Darío confronts Lys. Zoe goes to Mau's apartment to review Julieta's forensic report. Alma and Esteban focus on uncovering Lys' involvement in the case.

  11. Watch Who the #*%& Are You Really?. Episode 11 of Season 2.

    Montaño interrogates Alma, Darío, Lys and Leonardo. Íñigo digs deeper into Lys and Alberto's past. Daríos alleged doppelgänger shows up at Alma's house.

  12. Watch The Twins. Episode 12 of Season 2.

    A photograph found in Lucinda's suitcase takes the case in a different direction. New incriminating photos from the bachelorette party emerge.

  13. Watch A Perfect and Unbearable Triangle. Episode 13 of Season 2.

    Montaño investigates the bank account in Andorra. Zoe and Karina reach a breaking point. Esteban comes face to face with the fake Darío.

  14. Watch It Was Always You. Episode 14 of Season 2.

    Montaño confronts Lys with the piling evidence against her. Suspicious of Darío, Alma sneaks into his hotel room and comes to a chilling realization.

  15. Watch Facing the Darkness.... Episode 15 of Season 2.

    Past and present come to a head as Alma decides to face the truth, however dark it may be, of what happened on that fateful night in the hotel.

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This show is...
Steamy, Psychological, Intimate
Maite PerroniErik HayserAlejandro SpeitzerJorge PozaCatherine SiachoqueArturo BarbaRegina PavónAriana SaavedraMaría Fernanda YepesPaulina MatosLeticia HuijaraClaudia PinedaEsteban SoberanesClaudia RíosSamantha OrozcoFabián MerloEligio MeléndezCarmen BeatoCarlos TorresToño Valdés

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