An attempt to overthrow the head of a transport cartel brings Tokyo financier Miguel back to his Mexican hometown. A nightclub celebration turns tragic.
Lamberto calls an urgent meeting of his cartel's regional leaders, including Epigmenio. A funeral reunites two old friends. Asya receives grave news.
Miguel moves back to Ciudad Jiménez, where a near accident introduces him to a new friend. Chisca indulges in a risky lifestyle to forget a past trauma.
On the golf green, Miguel offers Carlos Duarte a proposal, and later travels to Miami to set up a shell company and find a frontman for it.
After Miguel returns to Mexico City, Epigmenio orders Tacho to kill him. Lamberto learns a terrible truth related to the death of his son 16 years ago.
An evening at a pub takes a sudden turn for Miguel and Adela, leading to a big shake-up within El Salado and a change of residence for the Garzas.
Epigmenio starts forging new alliances. Chisca makes life difficult for Adela. Karina finds herself being hunted by one of her Russian mafia contacts.
Miguel sets out to eliminate a threat to his plans: Sergei. While interviewing Natalia's parents, Héctor finds a lead. Chisca learns how to use spyware.
Miguel tries to eliminate those bidding on the Grace prototype. Jorge starts working with Kenia and Flaco. Chisca plans her revenge against Valentín.
Miguel sets a contingency plan in motion to try to save Peligros's life and salvage the auction scheme. In Madrid, Chisca reconnects with Valentín.
Héctor and Claudia examine the locker's contents. Jaramillo tortures Miguel to learn who he works for. Chisca finds a way to lure Valentín to Mexico.
Epigmenio gets revenge against Enano. In Colombia, Miguel struggles to escape from the gunmen chasing him. Adela helps Jorge choose a gift for Kenia.
Chisca launches a plan to kill Valentín, but an unexpected turn of events gives her second thoughts. Jimena makes her feelings for Miguel known to him.
Héctor gets Natalia's laptop decrypted by Flaco. Miguel takes Adela to Miami for an industry party. Valentín encourages Chisca to misbehave.
When an emergency arises, Jorge sees Valentín's true colors. Howard taps the phone of Ecogreen's frontman. Adela's driving skills are put to the test.
Vladimir seeks revenge against his daughter's abductors. Héctor interviews Natalia's former co-worker. The Pacheco brothers get special instructions.
During his meeting with the Pacheco brothers, Miguel receives a secret plea for help. Jimena finds herself in a forced meeting with Epigmenio.
The Pacheco brothers storm the ranch in Ciudad Jiménez. Adela sees a colder side of Miguel. Héctor visits the man who's in prison for killing Natalia.
Miguel leads an operation to rescue Dora. Kenia is tasked with distracting Jorge to keep him from finding out the bad news. The car bomb awaits Héctor.
Jorge learns why Kenia invited him to her home. Miguel makes a decision that upsets Jimena. A phone tip leads Dora to ask Peligros for a big favor.
Adela gives a speech at the foundation's launch party. Héctor travels to Ciudad Jiménez to interview the owner of the nightclub where his sister died.
Tadamichi sends Miguel to broker a drug deal with the Serbian mob, but Epigmenio finds out about it and decides to interfere. Adela meets a new man.
Miguel launches an all-out effort to find the stolen drugs. Jimena makes a surprising offer to Chisca. Héctor gets into a tricky situation with Juana.
With Peligros's help, Miguel arranges a distraction so a delicate swap can be made. Adela and Víctor go on a date. Héctor finds a clue on Juana's phone.
After his men are ambushed by Halcón's, Epigmenio seeks help from Duarte. Stock market activity spurs IRS agent Howard to pay a visit to Ecogreen's CEO.
Jimena meets with Hans Pritken at his pharmaceutical lab and snoops around. Víctor makes a grand gesture toward Adela. Héctor publishes an exposé.
Chisca's latest stunt forces Miguel to send her to rehab. A member of El Salado shows his true colors. The hackers devise a plan to break into the lab.
Jimena's arrival at the lab with Pritken complicates the team's departure. Miguel overhears Víctor in a suspicious phone conversation.
Miguel sets out to poach Alí Farchala while keeping him safe from Pritken. Jimena uses Chisca to win Miguel's favor. Ángel and Chisca try something new.
Miguel grows suspicious of Coyote. A trip to their hometown brings Adela and Miguel closer together. Ángel retaliates against Chisca for her infidelity.
Héctor's wife returns home at the worst possible moment. Miguel wrestles with his fear of falling in love. Ángel's video comes to the Garzas' attention.
Chisca introduces herself to Valentín's wife. Claudia warns Ana that Héctor is writing a dangerous article. Jorge asks Kenia to be his first.
Miguel's reaction to the magazine article leads Adela to a decision. Epigmenio is betrayed by one of his own. Valentín gives Chisca an assignment.
Héctor publishes an article revealing what Chano told him. Duarte learns the IRS is investigating Miguel. Adela confronts the loiterer she keeps seeing.
Adela shares with Dora what Gato confessed to her. Zaragoza sees proof that Coyote is a traitor. Miguel tries to broker a truce between Jun and Goro.
Miguel races to save Tadamichi from the trap he's walked into. Valentín receives intel from Chisca. A new resident comes to live at the Garza home.
Miguel proposes a deal to Epigmenio. Héctor's use of an ATM reveals his whereabouts. Dora makes the mistake of using a landline to call Zaragoza.
Ana calls Miguel to help find Héctor. Miguel receives a summons from the attorney general. Duarte realizes he must get rid of a liability: Miguel.
In the chaotic aftermath of the explosion, one life hangs in the balance while another is lost. Ishiro tries to keep Chisca on the straight and narrow.
The attorney general investigates the courier who delivered the bomb. Dora takes action to keep secret the person behind the murder of Miguel's parents.
Héctor tracks down the ballistics results in his sister's case. Chisca hacks into Valentín's laptop camera. Miguel tests the drug Efilina on himself.
Ishiro is tasked with stealing Adri's and her dad's phones and deleting their incriminating text messages. Miguel learns who supplied Chisca with drugs.
After learning about the attorney general's new evidence, Epigmenio demands a sacrifice from Tacho. Jimena takes steps to win back Miguel's trust.
IRS agent Howard Toledo hires a hacker to break into Naga Company's IT network. Miguel travels to Miami, where an actress asks him for help.
Naga Company leaks Sunny Productions' new films. The attorney general shares her intel with Howard. Miguel goes to Spain to negotiate two partnerships.
Miguel visits a Seville winery that would be perfect for storing ephiline, but must convince the owner to sell. Adela encounters a battered woman.
Chisca agrees to steal the ephiline from Miguel's room, but must first get past Ishiro. Miguel's negotiations with María Terry take an unexpected turn.
Pharmaceutical mogul Hans Pritken learns his lab scientist Ali is alive and well. Valentín decides it's time to eliminate his main obstacle: Ishiro.
Miguel tries a new strategy with María Terry. Héctor uses his newfound info on Braulio's wife to get the prisoner to reconsider his stay behind bars.
When Chisca calls Valentín with her good news, he and Piero launch a plan to escape from Spain with the prototype. Braulio asks Epigmenio for a favor.
Epigmenio gives Lobo his next mission. Kenia receives a message that rattles her nerves. Miguel surprises Adela with a specially planned evening.
While visiting her husband's grave, Dora makes a vow. Braulio's cellmate fulfills his promise. Kenia takes harsh measures in order to protect Jorge.
As the victim of the drive-by shooting fights to survive, Duarte faces backlash from the press. Dora visits Tacho in prison and offers him a deal.
Dora's hitmen follow Lobo to a safehouse where Epigmenio is hiding. When Braulio awakens, Ishiro and Peligros must extract him from the prison hospital.
Jimena meets with Guido to learn about his app. Miguel takes Adela to Nepal, where ephiline production is underway. Weeks later, the drug is released.
Héctor orders his doctor to tell him the truth. Peligros finds out Epigmenio is alive and well. Kenia is forced to defend herself against Christian.
Tensions run high as Miguel's guests arrive on the island and are subjected to security protocols. Kenia takes a risk to fulfill her end of a bargain.
Kenia tries to get rid of the tracker in a place where it won't be found. Epigmenio makes a claim that shocks Miguel, and later seeks an ally.
Kenia comes clean to Jorge. Hoping to find out who killed Miguel's parents, Adela goes undercover in order to befriend Epigmenio's wife.
Ecogreen's frontman Leopoldo balks when Jimena presents him with new documents to sign. Adela tries to explain to Carmen why she left so suddenly.
Howard sends Leopoldo on a mission to steal from Jimena the documents proving Ecogreen is buying Pídenos. Duarte faces competition for the presidency.
Miguel tasks his team with finding a way to recover the oil lost in the spill. Forced by his wife, Héctor returns to work. Dora pays a secret visit.
Tacho plots his escape from prison and sets his plan in motion. Someone accidentally discovers Lobo and Carmen's affair — and gets proof on video.
Tacho confronts Epigmenio. Howard's hacker manages to infiltrate Naga Company's IT network. Adela gets Carmen to open up about Miguel's parents.
Miguel arrives in Miami, where Howard sends out his lure to trap him. Adela is shocked when she sees Carmen. Ishiro hosts a special evening for Chisca.
Tacho enlists his parents to gather intel on Miguel's recent operations in Mexico. Suspicious of Kenia, Jorge decides to tail her.
Adela carefully considers the proposal she's been offered. The attorney general receives a tip about an incoming shipment of ephiline.
Howard threatens Karina Grishenko with prison time to get her to lead Miguel into a trap. Jorge asks Flaco to investigate the man he photographed.
Adela must find a way to delete the photo of her on Carmen's phone before Epigmenio meets with his wife. Ishiro embarks on his next mission.
A judge grants Edna a brief window of opportunity to collect evidence against Miguel. When Howard learns Adela is in Miami, he targets her next.
Carmen sets a trap and Adela takes the bait. Hans Pritken forces Jimena to summon the ephiline lab's new head. Duarte's secretary gives Héctor a lead.
When Duarte starts a rumor that could destroy Miguel's drug business, Héctor fights back by publishing the photograph he secretly took.
Miguel's scientists race to determine the victims' exact cause of death. Kenia tries to break into the computer Flaco set up to store top-secret data.
Flaco follows Kenia. A reward for info on Epigmenio's whereabouts tempts one of Jaramillo's men. Edna overhears a horrifying phone conversation.
As Kenia runs for her life, Adela begs Miguel to spare her. A halt in ephiline production spurs Miguel's partners to take matters into their own hands.
Jorge recovers his suppressed memory. Héctor helps Edna find Braulio so he can testify against Duarte. Miguel's associates decide to replace him.
Jorge demands to speak to Epigmenio. Duarte's secretary's testimony opens a forensic investigation to determine Natalia's true cause and place of death.
Seeing the aftermath of the ambush, Jorge goes after Epigmenio. Duarte desperately seeks help to escape the country. Jimena makes her exit.
A month later, a revenge plan unfolds to destroy the business partners who betrayed Miguel, including Piero, Kuang, Drenka and the Russian mafia.
Miguel enlists Héctor to help frame the Valley Organization for the recent murders of the drug bosses, and to tell Edna where Epigmenio has been hiding.
Gary tracks down the car that followed him to Kenia's safe house. Carmen calls Adela and asks to meet. Miguel notices an oddity in the audio recording.
Miguel asks Epigmenio about the audio recording. The framing of Edna brings unexpected consequences. Dora reveals a long-held secret to Miguel.