- Late Bloomers (2013)
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)
- Blackout (2012)
- Meteor (2009)
- Depth Charge (2008)
- A Gunfighter's Pledge (2008)
- Pandemic (2007)
- Mystery Woman: Oh Baby (2006)
- Commander in Chief (2005)
- Boston Legal (2004)
- Mystery Woman (2003)
- CSI: Miami (2002)
- Monk (2002)
- The District (2000)
- The West Wing (1999)
- Charmed (1998)
- NYPD Blue (1993)
- Charley Hannah (1986)
- Stone Pillow (1985)
- Miami Vice (1984)
- The Cosby Show (1984)
- Katmandu (1980)
- Coach of the Year (1980)
- Carnival Circus (1978)
- Big Apple Birthday (1978)
- Alex and the Wonderful Doo-Wah Lamp (1978)
- The Stowaway (1977)
- The Magnificent Major (1977)
- The Magic Hat (1977)