Alexander Knox
Actor, scenarist
Locul naşterii: Strathroy, Ontario, Canada
Data naşterii: 16.01.1907 (88 ani)
Data decesului: 25.04.1995
Sister Kenny (1946)Sister KennyRol: Dr. Aeneas McDonnell
None Shall Escape (1944)None Shall EscapeRol: Wilhelm Grimm
The Judge Steps Out (1947)The Judge Steps OutRol: Judge Thomas Bailey
Intent to Kill (1958)Intent to KillRol: Dr. McNeil
Paula (1952)PaulaRol: Dr. Clifford Frazer
Two of a Kind (1951)Two of a KindRol: Vincent Mailer
Cavalerul morții (1951)Man in the SaddleGen: WesternRol: Will Isham
The Sign of the Ram (1948)The Sign of the RamRol: Mallory St. Aubyn