Anne Heywood
Locul naşterii: Handsworth, Anglia
Data naşterii: 11.12.1932
Floods of Fear (1959)Floods of FearRol: Elizabeth Matthews
I Want What I Want (1972)I Want What I WantRol: Roy/Wendy
Checkpoint (1956)CheckpointRol: Gabriela
Violent Playground (1958)Violent PlaygroundRol: Catherine 'Cathie' Murphy
The Fox (1967)The FoxRol: Ellen March
Sadat (1983)SadatGen: Istoric, Dramă, BiograficRol: Mrs. Raouf
The Very Edge (1963)The Very EdgeRol: Tracey Lawrence
Upstairs and Downstairs (1959)Upstairs and DownstairsRol: Mrs. Kate Barry