Archie Duncan
Locul naşterii: Glasgow, Scoția, Marea Britanie
Data naşterii: 26.05.1914 (65 ani)
Data decesului: 24.07.1979
Locuitorii de pe Lavender Hill (1951)The Lavender Hill MobGen: Comedie, CrimăRol: Chief Cashier
Ring of Bright Water (1969)Ring of Bright WaterRol: Road mender
Floodtide /I (1949)Floodtide /IRol: Charlie Campbell
Home at Seven (1952)Home at SevenRol: Station Sergeant
Twice Upon a Time (1953)Twice Upon a TimeRol: Portar
Circle of Danger (1951)Circle of DangerRol: Angus
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men (1952)The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie MenGen: Familie, Aventuri, AcţiuneRol: Red Gill
Mergi înainte iubito! (1951)Happy Go LovelyGen: Romantic, Muzical, ComedieRol: Detectiv