Aubrey Mather
Locul naşterii: Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire, Anglia, RU
Data naşterii: 17.12.1885 (72 ani)
Data decesului: 16.01.1958
Random Harvest (1942)Random HarvestGen: Dragoste, Romantic, DramăRol: Sheldon
Mingea de foc (1941)Ball of FireGen: Comedie, Dragoste, RomanticRol: Professor Peagram - Literature
Mrs. Miniver (1942)Mrs. MiniverGen: Dramă, Dragoste, RăzboiRol: George
The Song of Bernadette (1943)The Song of BernadetteRol: Mayor Lacade
The Secret Garden (1949)The Secret GardenRol: Dr. Griddlestone
Jane Eyre (1943)Jane EyreGen: Dramă, Romantic, DragosteRol: Colonel Dent
The Importance of Being Earnest (1952)The Importance of Being EarnestRol: Merriman
Vis de glorie (1944)National VelvetGen: Familie, DramăRol: Entry Official