Barnett Parker
Locul naşterii: Batley, Yorkshire, Anglia, R.U.
Reputatia domnisoarei Allenbury (1936)Libeled LadyGen: Comedie, Romantic, DragosteRol: Majordom
Extravagantul Mr. Deeds (1936)Mr Deeds Goes to TownGen: ComedieRol: Longfellow's Butler
Marie Antoinette (1938)Marie AntoinetteGen: Biografic, Romantic, DramăRol: Prince de Rohan
Double Wedding (1937)Double WeddingRol: Flint
Love Thy Neighbor (1940)Love Thy NeighborGen: Muzical, ComedieRol: George
La circ (1939)At the CircusGen: Muzical, ComedieRol: Whitcomb
Nascuta pentru dans (1936)Born to DanceGen: MuzicalRol: Model Home Demonstrator
Broadway Melody of 1938 (1937)Broadway Melody of 1938Rol: Jerry Jason