Barry Fitzgerald
Locul naşterii: Dublin, Irlanda
Data naşterii: 10.03.1888 (72 ani)
Data decesului: 14.01.1961
Comentarii (1)
Vezi comentariile
The Naked City (1948)Detectiv Locotenent Dan Muldoon
And Then There Were None (1945)Francis J. Quinncannon
Going My Way (1944)Parintele Fitzgibbon
Easy Come, Easy Go (1947)Martin L. Donovan
Rooney (1958)Grandfather
The Sainted Sisters (1948)Robbie McCleary
The Story of Seabiscuit (1949)Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer
Juno and the Paycock (1930)