Barry Morse
Regizor, scenarist, actor
Locul naşterii: London, England, UK
Data naşterii: 10.06.1918
Funeral Home (1980)Funeral HomeRol: Mr. Davis
"The Winds of War" (1983)"The Winds of War"Rol: Wolf Stoller (3 episodes, 1983)
Running Scared (1972)Running ScaredRol: Mr. Case
Master of the Game (1984)Master of the GameGen: Dramă
Provocarea (1980)The ChangelingGen: Mister, HorrorRol: Doctor Pemberton
One Man (1977)One ManRol: Colin Angus Campbell
Daughter of Darkness (1948)Daughter of DarknessRol: Robert Stanforth
The Telephone Book (1971)The Telephone BookRol: Har Poon