Brendan Dillon
"Backstairs at the White House" (1979)"Backstairs at the White House"Rol: Kearney (1 episode, 1979)
My Fair Lady (1964)My Fair LadyGen: Muzical, Comedie, Familie
The Dead (1987)The DeadRol: Cabman
The Killing of Sister George (1968)The Killing of Sister GeorgeGen: DramăRol: Bert Turner
The Molly Maguires (1970)The Molly MaguiresGen: Istoric, DramăRol: Domnul Dan Raines
Indestructibila Molly Brown (1964)The Unsinkable Molly BrownGen: Biografic, Western, RomanticRol: Murphy
Inmormantare prematura (1962)Premature BurialGen: Mister, Horror, DramăRol: Preot
Movie Movie (1978)Movie MovieGen: Muzical, ComedieRol: Jury Foreman