Brian Backer
Locul naşterii: Brooklyn, New York, USA
Data naşterii: 05.12.1956 (68 ani)
Colegiul Ridgemont (1982)Fast Times at Ridgemont HighGen: Comedie, DramăRol: Mark 'Rat' Ratner
Perry Mason: Cazul studentului ucis (1989)Perry Mason: The Case of the Lethal LessonGen: AcţiuneRol: Eugene
Un sac de bani (1986)The Money PitGen: ComedieRol: Ethan
The Burning (1981)The BurningGen: HorrorRol: Alfred
Tabara de vara (1979)MeatballsGen: ComedieRol: Camp Mohawk Basketball Player
Moving Violations (1985)Moving ViolationsRol: Scott Greeber
Fraierul (2000)LoserGen: Comedie, Romantic, Dragoste
Vampe (2012)VampsGen: Comedie, Romantic, Horror