Bruce Cabot
Locul naşterii: Carlsbad, New Mexico, USA
Data naşterii: 20.04.1904 (68 ani)
Data decesului: 03.05.1972
Comentarii (3)
Vezi comentariile
King Kong (1933)King KongGen: Acţiune, Thriller, AventuriRol: Jack Driscoll
Marele Jake (1971)Big JakeGen: Western, AcţiuneRol: Sam Sharpnose
Sorrowful Jones (1949)Sorrowful JonesRol: Big Steve Holloway
The Last of the Mohicans (1936)The Last of the MohicansRol: Magua
Totò, lascia o raddoppia? (1956)Totò, lascia o raddoppia?Rol: Nick Molise
Un american liniștit (1958)The Quiet AmericanRol: Bill Granger
The Gallant Legion (1948)The Gallant LegionRol: Beau Laroux
Fancy Pants (1950)Fancy PantsRol: Cart Belknap
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