- Darts! (2021)
- The Waddling Dead (2018)
- Spider-Man: Rise of a Legacy (2018)
- Common Deer: Glass (2018)
- A Dog In Paris (2018)
- Karla (2018)
- Unraveling Lies (2018)
- Scariest Night of My Life (2017)
- Spider-Man: Balance Act (2016)
- Spider-Man: Vengeance (2016)
- Rod the Stormtrooper (2016)
- Thorns of Tenderness (2016)
- The Face (2016)
- Modern Conventions of Love Making (2015)
- Rod the Stormtrooper: Episode V - The Hidden Darkness (2015)
- Acid Head: The Buzzard Nuts County Slaughter (2011)