Chester Conklin
Locul naşterii: Oskaloosa, Iowa, SUA
Data naşterii: 11.01.1886 (85 ani)
Data decesului: 11.10.1971
Comentarii (3)
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Hail the Conquering Hero (1944)Hail the Conquering HeroRol: Western Union Man
Jiggs and Maggie in Jackpot Jitters (1949)Jiggs and Maggie in Jackpot JittersRol: Jiggs' Friend
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The Milkman (1950)The MilkmanRol: Bărbat
The Golden Stallion (1949)The Golden StallionRol: Bătrân
Joe Palooka in Humphrey Takes a Chance (1950)Joe Palooka in Humphrey Takes a ChanceRol: Prentice
Smooth as Silk (1946)Smooth as SilkRol: Portar
Jesse James Rides Again (1947)Jesse James Rides AgainRol: Roy, the Cook [Chs. 11-12]
Minnie V. Goodwin1912 - 1933căsătorie
Margherita Rouse1933 - 1937căsătorie
Valda C. Genessee1948 - 1963căsătorie