Colin Blakely
Locul naşterii: Bangor, County Down, Irlanda de Nord
Data naşterii: 23.09.1930 (56 ani)
Data decesului: 07.05.1987
Comentarii (1)
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"Paradise Postponed" (1986)"Paradise Postponed"Rol: Dr. Salter (8 episodes, 1986)
The Informers (1963)The InformersRol: Charlie Ruskin
Never Put It in Writing (1964)Never Put It in WritingRol: Oscar
It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet (1977)It Shouldn't Happen to a VetRol: Siegfried Farnon
Hai, Franța! (1964)Allez France!Gen: ComedieRol: L'aveugle
The Hellions (1961)The HellionsRol: Matthew Billings
Decline and Fall... of a Birdwatcher (1968)Decline and Fall... of a BirdwatcherRol: Solomon Philbrick
The Vengeance of She (1968)The Vengeance of SheRol: George