Colin Jeavons
Locul naşterii: Monmouthshire, Anglia
Data naşterii: 20.10.1929
Comentarii (1)
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"House of Cards" (1990)"House of Cards"Rol: Tim Stamper (4 episodes, 1990)
"Paradise Postponed" (1986)"Paradise Postponed"Rol: George Titmuss (3 episodes, 1986)
"Bleak House" (1985)"Bleak House"Rol: Vholes (unknown episodes)
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Iubita locotenentului francez (1981)The French Lieutenant's WomanGen: Dramă, Dragoste, RomanticRol: Vicar
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S.S: Portretul răului (1985)Hitler's S.S.: Portrait in EvilGen: Război, DramăRol: Adolf Hitler
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