Constantine Romanoff
Locul naşterii: St. Petersburg, Rusia
Data naşterii: 05.07.1897 (80 ani)
Data decesului: 13.11.1977
O viață minunată (1946)It's a Wonderful LifeGen: Familie, Dramă, Fantastic
Ninotchka (1939)NinotchkaGen: Dragoste, Romantic, ComedieRol: Man in Restaurant
The Kid Brother (1927)The Kid BrotherGen: Romantic, Familie, Dramă
After the Thin Man (1936)After the Thin ManGen: Dragoste, Romantic, MisterRol: Wrestler
For Heaven's Sake (1926)For Heaven's SakeGen: Romantic, Comedie, Acţiune
Fratii Marx - Agenti secreti (1931)Monkey BusinessGen: ComedieRol: Butch--Gangster
Our Relations (1936)Our RelationsGen: ComedieRol: Tuffy - Tough Guy
Island of Lost Souls (1932)Island of Lost SoulsGen: SF, Horror, DragosteRol: Beast