- Transformers: War for Cybertron (2020)
- Folklore (2019)
- Underdog (2019)
- The Master of Pulpits (2019)
- Blackmark (2018)
- Bloody Eyes (2017)
- House of Deaths (2017)
- Who's There? (2017)
- Atoms of Uncontrollable Silence (2016)
- Last Call (2016)
- On the Brain (2016)
- Wolf Mother (2016)
- Outlaw Chronicles: Hells Angels (2015)
- Reaper Tales (2015)
- Housebroken (2015)
- Lori Sheedy, F*** You (2015)
- How Human Are You? (2014)
- Dark Secrets (2013)
- My Haunted House (2013)
- Weird Tales 5: The Strange Case of Rhyolite Nevada (2011)
- Unusual Suspects (2010)
- Death of an Angel
- White Lillies
- Disorientated