Debra Paget
Locul naşterii: Colorado, SUA
Data naşterii: 19.08.1933
Comentarii (2)
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Why Must I Die? (1960)Why Must I Die?Rol: Dottie Manson
Most Dangerous Man Alive (1961)Most Dangerous Man AliveRol: Linda Marlow
Cele zece porunci (1956)The Ten CommandmentsGen: Dramă, FamilieRol: Lilia
House of Strangers (1949)House of StrangersGen: Film noir, DramăRol: Maria Domenico
Cry of the City (1948)Cry of the CityRol: Teena Riconti
Broken Arrow (1950)Broken ArrowGen: Western, DramăRol: Sonseeahray ('Morningstar')
Stars and Stripes Forever (1952)Stars and Stripes ForeverRol: Lily Becker
Fourteen Hours (1951)Fourteen HoursGen: Thriller, Film noir, DramăRol: Ruth