Dennis Morgan
Locul naşterii: Prentice, Wisconsin, SUA
Data naşterii: 20.12.1908 (85 ani)
Data decesului: 07.09.1994
Comentarii (1)
Vezi comentariile
Dumnezeu este co-pilotul meu (1945)God Is My Co-PilotGen: Război, Dramă, BiograficRol: Robert Lee Scott
Christmas in Connecticut (1945)Christmas in ConnecticutGen: Romantic, Comedie, DragosteRol: Jefferson Jones
In viata noastra (1942)In This Our LifeGen: DramăRol: Peter Kingsmill
Kitty Foyle: The Natural History of a Woman (1940)Kitty Foyle: The Natural History of a WomanRol: Wynnewood 'Wyn' Strafford VI
Thank Your Lucky Stars (1943)Thank Your Lucky StarsGen: Muzical, ComedieRol: Tommy Randolph
Marele Ziegfeld (1936)The Great ZiegfeldGen: MuzicalRol: Stage Singer in 'Pretty Girl' Number
The Fighting 69th (1940)The Fighting 69thGen: Război, Dramă, BiograficRol: Lieutenant Oliver Ames
Cheyenne (1947)CheyenneRol: James Wylie