Dinah Sheridan
Locul naşterii: Hampstead, Londra, Anglia
Data naşterii: 17.09.1920 (92 ani)
Data decesului: 25.11.2012
Genevieve (1953)GenevieveGen: ComedieRol: Wendy McKim
The Railway Children (1970)The Railway ChildrenRol: Mrs. Waterbury
The Sound Barrier (1952)The Sound BarrierRol: Jess Peel
Appointment in London (1953)Appointment in LondonGen: Război, DramăRol: Eve Canyon
Oglinda sparta (1980)The Mirror Crack'dGen: Crimă, Mister, ThrillerRol: Lady Amanda Ridgeley (Murder at Midnight)
Where No Vultures Fly (1951)Where No Vultures FlyRol: Mary Payton
The Story of Shirley Yorke (1950)The Story of Shirley YorkeRol: Shirly Yorke
The Huggetts Abroad (1949)The Huggetts AbroadRol: Jane Huggett