Donald Randolph
Locul naşterii: Cape Town, Africa de Sud
Data naşterii: 05.01.1906
Comentarii (2)
Vezi comentariile
Fourteen Hours (1951)Fourteen HoursGen: Thriller, Film noir, DramăRol: Dr. Benson
13 Rue Madeleine (1947)13 Rue MadeleineRol: La Roche
The Gambler from Natchez (1954)The Gambler from NatchezRol: Pierre Bonet
Cowboy (1958)CowboyGen: WesternRol: Senor Vidal, Maria's Father
Ptiu! (1954)PhffftGen: Dragoste, Romantic, ComedieRol: Dr. Van Kessel
Under the Gun (1951)Under the GunRol: Arthur Sherbourne, district attorney
Gunsmoke (1953)GunsmokeRol: Matt Telford
For the Love of Mary (1948)For the Love of MaryRol: Asst. Attorney General