Elspet Gray
Locul naşterii: Inverness, Invernesshire, Scoția, Marea Britanie
Data naşterii: 12.04.1929
The Night We Got the Bird (1961)The Night We Got the BirdRol: Woman with dog
Patru nunți și o înmormântare (1994)Four Weddings And A FuneralGen: Dragoste, Comedie, RomanticRol: Laura's Mother - Wedding One
Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969)Goodbye, Mr. ChipsGen: Muzical, DramăRol: Lady Sutterwick
Devil's Point (1954)Devil's PointRol: June Mallard
Trottie True (1949)Trottie TrueRol: Honor
The Girl in a Swing (1988)The Girl in a SwingRol: Mrs. Dresland
Hotel balamuc (1975)Fawlty TowersGen: ComedieRol: Mrs. Abbott (1 episode, 1979)
Hercule Poirot (1989)PoirotGen: Mister, DramăRol: Miss Penn (1 episode, 1990)