Evelyn Keyes
Locul naşterii: Port Arthur, Texas, USA
Data naşterii: 20.11.1916
Comentarii (2)
Vezi comentariile
Noul Domn Jordan (1941)Here Comes Mr. JordanGen: Romantic, Fantastic, DragosteRol: Bette Logan
99 River Street (1953)99 River StreetGen: Thriller, Film noir, DramăRol: Linda James
The Jolson Story (1946)The Jolson StoryRol: Julie Benson
Ladies in Retirement (1941)Ladies in RetirementRol: Lucy
Se caută un soţ (1948)The Mating of MillieGen: ComedieRol: Millie McGonigle
The Prowler (1951)The ProwlerRol: Susan Gilvray
Mr. Soft Touch (1949)Mr. Soft TouchRol: Jenny Jones
Mrs. Mike (1949)Mrs. MikeRol: Kathy O'Fallon Flannigan
Glenn Fordrelaţie amoroasă
Eddie Fisheraventură
Charles Feldmanaventură