Frank Wilcox
Locul naşterii: DeSoto, Missouri, USA
Data naşterii: 13.03.1907
I Cover Big Town (1947)I Cover Big TownRol: Harry Hilton
Blondie's Hero (1950)Blondie's HeroRol: Capt. Masters
Philo Vance's Secret Mission (1947)Philo Vance's Secret MissionRol: Thaddius Carter, Attorney
Philo Vance Returns (1947)Philo Vance ReturnsRol: George Hullman
La nord, prin nord-vest (1959)North by NorthwestGen: Thriller, AventuriRol: Herman Weitner
Out of the Past (1947)Out of the PastGen: Film noir, Dramă, ThrillerRol: Sheriff Ed Douglas
Cele zece porunci (1956)The Ten CommandmentsGen: Dramă, FamilieRol: Wazir
Notorious (1946)NotoriousGen: Film noir, Romantic, DragosteRol: agent FBI