Frieda Inescort
Locul naşterii: Edinburgh, Scoţia, Marea Britanie
Data naşterii: 29.06.1901 (74 ani)
Data decesului: 26.02.1976
The Eddy Duchin Story (1956)The Eddy Duchin StoryGen: Dragoste, Romantic, MuzicalRol: D-na Edith 'Edie' Wadsworth
The Return of the Vampire (1944)The Return of the VampireGen: HorrorRol: Lady Jane Ainsley
Portia on Trial (1937)Portia on TrialRol: Portia Merriman
O gală cu cântec (1958)Senior PromGen: MuzicalRol: Mrs. Sherridan
The She-Creature (1956)The She-CreatureRol: Mrs. Chappel
Un loc sub soare (1951)A Place in the SunGen: Romantic, Dragoste, DramăRol: Mrs. Ann Vickers
Taina ei (1940)The LetterGen: Dramă, Film noirRol: Dorothy Joyce
Mandrie si prejudecata (1940)Pride and PrejudiceGen: Dramă, ComedieRol: Caroline Bingley