Henry G. Sanders
Locul naşterii: Houston, Texas, USA
Data naşterii: 18.08.1942 (82 ani)
"Backstairs at the White House" (1979)"Backstairs at the White House"Rol: Moaney (1 episode, 1979)
Blue (2009)BlueGen: Dramă
42: Povestea lui Jackie Robinson (2013)42Gen: Biografic, Sport, DramăRol: Max
Killer of Sheep (1977)Killer of SheepRol: Stan
Rocky Balboa (2006)Rocky BalboaGen: Sport, DramăRol: Martin
Perry Mason: Cazul crimei cu cântec (1989)Perry Mason: The Case of the Musical MurderGen: Mister, Dramă, CrimăRol: Harry
Bull Durham (1988)Bull DurhamGen: Romantic, Dragoste, DramăRol: Sandy
Moștenirea (1997)The InheritanceGen: Romantic, DramăRol: Blacksmith