Howard Ryshpan
Minciunile tatalui meu (1975)Lies My Father Told MeGen: Dramă
The Happy Prince (1974)The Happy PrinceRol: Voci adiţionale
Cel mai faimos joc (2005)The Greatest Game Ever PlayedGen: Sport, Dramă, IstoricRol: Gallery Member
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1987)The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Inamici din dragoste (1989)Enemies: A Love StoryGen: DramăRol: Onlooker
The Street (1977)The Street
P.T. Barnum (1999)P.T. BarnumGen: DramăRol: James Heath
Bonheur d'occasion (1983)Bonheur d'occasionRol: Docteur Katz