Ian Hunter
Locul naşterii: Cape Town, Africa de Sud
Data decesului: 23.09.1975
Comentarii (1)
Vezi comentariile
Doctorul Jekyll și Domnul Hyde (1941)Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeGen: Horror, DramăRol: dr. John Lanyon
Visul unei nopti de vara (1935)A Midsummer Night's DreamGen: Fantastic, Dragoste, RomanticRol: Theseus
Eight O'Clock Walk (1954)Eight O'Clock WalkRol: Geoffrey Tanner
The White Angel (1936)The White AngelGen: Dramă, Biografic
Appointment in London (1953)Appointment in LondonGen: Război, DramăRol: Group Captain Logan
The Bulldog Breed (1960)The Bulldog BreedGen: ComedieRol: Adm. Sir Bryanston Blyth
Rockets Galore! (1958)Rockets Galore!Rol: Air Commodore Watchorn
Crimă la radio (1934)Death at Broadcasting HouseGen: Mister, Crimă, ComedieRol: Gregory