Isabella Laughland
Chubby Funny (2016)Chubby FunnyRol: Sophie
Harry Potter și Prințul Semipur (2009)Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceGen: Aventuri, Fantastic, MisterRol: Leanne
Multă baftă, Leo Grande! (2022)Good Luck to You, Leo GrandeGen: Dramă, ComedieRol: Becky
Acum e momentul (2012)Now Is GoodGen: Dramă, Romantic, DragosteRol: Beth
Vedetele de film nu mor în Liverpool (2017)Film Stars Don't Die in LiverpoolGen: Dramă, Romantic, DragosteRol: Vanessa
(2015)Urban HymnGen: Dramă, CrimăRol: Leanne Dixon
Sarah Chong Is Going to Kill Herself (2016)Sarah Chong Is Going to Kill HerselfRol: Intern
Nebunia de la Slaughterhouse (2019)Slaughterhouse RulezGen: Fantastic, Comedie, HorrorRol: Kay