Ivor Dean
Actor, scenarist
Locul naşterii: Londra, Anglia, Marea Britanie
Data naşterii: 21.12.1917 (56 ani)
Data decesului: 10.08.1974
Acolo unde se avanta vulturii (1968)Where Eagles DareGen: Război, Acţiune, AventuriRol: German Officer #2
Robbery (1967)RobberyRol: Postal Worker on Train
Dr Jekyll & Sister Hyde (1971)Dr Jekyll & Sister HydeRol: Burke
The Sorcerers (1967)The SorcerersRol: Insp. Matalon
Lada dreptunghiulara (1969)The Oblong BoxGen: HorrorRol: Hawthorne
Theatre of Death (1967)Theatre of DeathRol: Inspector Micheaud
Decline and Fall... of a Birdwatcher (1968)Decline and Fall... of a BirdwatcherRol: Old Bailey Policeman
Cloak Without Dagger (1956)Cloak Without Dagger