Jan Merlin
Locul naşterii: New York City, New York, SUA
Data naşterii: 03.04.1925
Take the Money and Run (1969)Take the Money and RunGen: Crimă, ComedieRol: Al - Bank Robber
Illegal (1955)IllegalRol: Andy Garth
Lista lui Adrian Messenger (1963)The List of Adrian MessengerGen: Crimă, Mister, DramăRol: The Whistling Man/The Clergyman/The Workman/The Shepherd
Six Bridges to Cross (1955)Six Bridges to CrossRol: Andy Norris
Fiul pierdut (1992)A Child Lost Forever: The Jerry Sherwood StoryGen: DramăRol: Jury Foreman
Big House, U.S.A. (1955)Big House, U.S.A.Rol: Tommy, Accomplice on Fishing Boat
Hell Bent for Leather (1960)Hell Bent for LeatherRol: Travers
The St. Valentine's Day Massacre (1967)The St. Valentine's Day MassacreGen: Crimă, DramăRol: Willie Marks