Jean Byron
Locul naşterii: Kentucky, SUA
Data naşterii: 10.12.1926
Voodoo Tiger (1952)Voodoo TigerRol: Phyllis Bruce
Jungle Moon Men (1955)Jungle Moon MenRol: Ellen Marsten
There's Always Tomorrow (1956)There's Always TomorrowRol: Miss Byron, saleswoman
Wall of Noise (1963)Wall of NoiseRol: Mrs. Harrington
Johnny Concho (1956)Johnny ConchoRol: Pearl Lang
The Magnetic Monster (1953)The Magnetic MonsterRol: Connie Stewart
Regina de pe Nil (1953)Serpent of the NileRol: Charmion (Cleopatra's handmaiden)
Invisible Invaders (1959)Invisible InvadersRol: Phyllis Penner