Jody Lawrance
Locul naşterii: Texas, SUA
Data naşterii: 19.10.1930 (55 ani)
Data decesului: 10.07.1986
The Scarlet Hour (1956)The Scarlet HourRol: Kathy Stevens
The Brigand (1952)The BrigandRol: Princess Teresa
The Leather Saint (1956)The Leather SaintRol: Pearl Gorman
The Son of Dr. Jekyll (1951)The Son of Dr. JekyllRol: Lynn Utterson
Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)Captain John Smith and PocahontasRol: Pocahontas
Hot Spell (1958)Hot SpellRol: Dora May
The Family Secret (1951)The Family SecretRol: Lee Pearson
The Purple Gang (1959)The Purple GangRol: Joan MacNamara
Lance Fuller1952relaţie amoroasă
Bruce Tilton1955 - 1961căsătorie