John Derek
Actor, regizor, scenarist, producator
Locul naşterii: California, SUA
Data naşterii: 12.08.1926 (71 ani)
Data decesului: 22.05.1998
Comentarii (3)
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Sea of Lost Ships (1953)G.R. 'Grad' Matthews
Prince of Players (1955)John Wilkes Booth
The Last Posse (1953)Jed Clayton
The Outcast (1954)Jet Cosgrave
Răzbunare oarbă (1957)Brock Mitchell
Saturday's Hero (1951)Steve Novak
The Flesh Is Weak (1957)Tony Giani
The Adventures of Hajji Baba (1954)Hajji Baba
Yvonne Derekrelaţie amoroasă
Pati Behrs1951 - 1957căsătorie
Ursula Andress1957 - 1966căsătorie