John Grant
Scenarist, producător
Locul naşterii: Tarentum, Pennsylvania, SUA
Data naşterii: 27.12.1891 (63 ani)
Data decesului: 19.11.1955
Who Done It? (1942)Who Done It?Gen: Mister, Comedie
Hold That Ghost (1941)Hold That GhostGen: Thriller, Mister, Comedie
The Naughty Nineties (1945)The Naughty NinetiesGen: Comedie
Pardon My Sarong (1942)Pardon My SarongGen: Muzical, Comedie, Aventuri
Hit the Ice (1943)Hit the IceGen: Crimă, Comedie
In the Navy (1941)In the NavyGen: Romantic, Muzical, Comedie
Here Come the Co-eds (1945)Here Come the Co-edsGen: Muzical, Comedie
Rătăciți într-un harem (1944)Lost in a HaremGen: Comedie