John Paddy Carstairs
Regizor, scenarist, producător
Locul naşterii: Londra, Anglia, Marea Britanie
Data naşterii: 11.05.1910 (60 ani)
Data decesului: 12.12.1970
The Square Peg (1959)The Square PegGen: Comedie
Trouble in Store (1953)Trouble in StoreGen: Comedie
Sleeping Car to Trieste (1948)Sleeping Car to TriesteGen: Thriller, Dramă
Up in the World (1956)Up in the WorldGen: Comedie
Dancing with Crime (1947)Dancing with Crime
One Good Turn (1955)One Good TurnGen: Comedie
Sfântul la Londra (1939)The Saint in LondonGen: Acţiune
Fools Rush In (1949)Fools Rush In