John Turnbull
Locul naşterii: Dunbar, Scoția, Marea Britanie
Data naşterii: 05.11.1880 (75 ani)
Data decesului: 23.02.1956
39 de trepte (1935)The 39 StepsGen: Thriller, Mister, DramăRol: Scottish Police Inspector
The Happiest Days of Your Life (1950)The Happiest Days of Your LifeRol: Conrad Matthews
Rembrandt (1936)RembrandtGen: DramăRol: Preot
So Well Remembered (1947)So Well RememberedRol: Morris
Viata particulara a lui Henric al VIII-lea (1933)The Private Life of Henry VIIIGen: DramăRol: Hans Holbein
Daybreak (1948)DaybreakRol: Superintendent
The Amazing Quest of Ernest Bliss (1936)The Amazing AdventureGen: Romantic, Dramă, ComedieRol: Masters
Conquest of the Air (1936)Conquest of the AirGen: Istoric, DramăRol: Von Zeppelin
Ulrika Jonsson1990 - 1995căsătorie