Jonathan Erickson Eisley
Ultima dorință (2022)RunnerGen: Dramă
Heart of Now (2010)Heart of NowGen: DramăRol: Andrew
Iron Man - Omul de oțel 2 (2010)Iron Man 2Gen: Acţiune, SF, AventuriRol: Prizonier francez
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot (2018)Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on FootGen: Dramă, BiograficRol: Junior
Vieți furate (2009)Stolen LivesGen: Dramă, Mister, CrimăRol: Mic
The Brotherhood of Satan (1971)The Brotherhood of SatanRol: Child
Shadowheart (2009)ShadowheartGen: Western, Dramă
The Horde (2016)The HordeRol: Jethro