Julia Deakin
The Snarling (2018)The SnarlingRol: TV Interviewer
Lupta cu zombi (2004)Shaun of the DeadGen: Comedie, Acţiune, Horror
Polițist meseriaș (2007)Hot FuzzGen: Acţiune, Mister, ComedieRol: Mary Porter
Down Terrace (2009)Down TerraceRol: Maggie
Ce cauți tu în viața mea? (2013)Having YouGen: Dramă, ComedieRol: Mrs. Haughton
Inside Beverly Hills: The Land of the Rich & Famous (2021)Inside Beverly Hills: The Land of the Rich & FamousGen: DocumentarRol: Self - Narrator
The First Men in the Moon (2010)The First Men in the MoonGen: SF
Spaced (1999)SpacedRol: Marsha Klein