Kevin Thompson
Războiul stelelor - Episodul VI: Întoarcerea lui Jedi (1983)Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the JediGen: SF, AventuriRol: ewok
Vânătorul de recompense (1982)Blade RunnerGen: SF, ThrillerRol: Bear
The Hollywood Shorties (2016)The Hollywood ShortiesRol: Himself
Congresul (2013)The CongressGen: Animaţie, SFRol: Ralph
Adventures in Dinosaur City (1992)Adventures in Dinosaur CityGen: Fantastic, Familie, Aventuri
The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987)The Garbage Pail Kids MovieRol: Ali Gator
Sub soarele Philadelphiei (2005)It's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaGen: Comedie
Dexter (2006)DexterGen: Crimă, Mister, Dramă