Kim Fields
Actrita, regizoare, producatoare, scenarista
Locul naşterii: New York, SUA
Data naşterii: 12.05.1969 (55 ani)
A Question of Faith (2017)A Question of FaithRol: Theresa Newman
Adventures in Christmasing (2021)Adventures in ChristmasingGen: Dramă
An Invited Guest (1999)An Invited GuestRol: Mecca
Norman Lear: Just Another Version of You (2016)Norman Lear: Just Another Version of YouRol: Herself
Glow (2000)GlowRol: Miss Downey
In vacanta la Paris (1982)The Facts of Life Goes to ParisGen: Romantic, ComedieRol: Dorothy 'Tootie' Ramsey
Eu si doamna Jones (2001)Me and Mrs. JonesGen: Dragoste, Romantic, ComedieRol: Desiree
Vacanță la capătul lumii (1987)The Facts of Life Down UnderGen: ComedieRol: Dorothy 'Tootie' Ramsey
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