Lenny Kent
Locul naşterii: Romania
Data naşterii: 05.01.1913 (72 ani)
Data decesului: 01.05.1985
Ce drum sa alegi (1964)What a Way to Go!Gen: ComedieRol: Avocat
Iubire mare (1959)The 30 Foot Bride of Candy RockGen: SF, ComedieRol: Sergentul
Twist Around the Clock (1961)Twist Around the ClockGen: MuzicalRol: Georgie Clark
Disc Jockey (1951)Disc JockeyRol: Happy
Let No Man Write My Epitaph (1960)Let No Man Write My EpitaphRol: Proprietor
Fiorii celebrității (1963)The Thrill of It AllGen: ComedieRol: Cabbie
Convicts 4 (1962)Convicts 4Rol: Painter
Ce frumos e să iubești! (1968)How Sweet It Is!Gen: ComedieRol: Cabbie