- The Kind Words (2015)
- Mita Tova (2014)
- Under the Same Sun (2013)
- Valley Of Strength (2010)
- Sippur Gadol (2009)
- The Little Traitor (2007)
- Eskimosim ba Galil (2006)
- Aviva ahuvati (2006)
- The Mechanik (2005)
- Ima Vav (2001)
- Egoz (1999)
- Nekama Yehudit (1999)
- Nashim (1996)
- Sipur Shematchil Belevaya Shel Nachash (1994)
- Autobiographia Dimionit (1994)
- Me'Ahorei Hasoragim II (1992)
- Onat Haduvdevanim (1991)
- Z'man Emet (1991)
- Elef Neshotav Shel Naftali Siman-Tov (1989)
- Sus Etz (1978)
- Badranit Ba'hatzot (1977)
- Mishpahat Tzan'ani (1976)
- Salomonico (1974)
- Ani Ohev Otach Rosa (1972)
- Margo Sheli (1969)