Lisa Chappell
Actriţă, cântăreaţă
Locul naşterii: Auckland, Noua Zeelandă
Data naşterii: 18.10.1968 (56 ani)
Crossbow (2007)CrossbowRol: The mum
Desperate Remedies (1993)Desperate RemediesRol: Anne Cooper
Hercule si cercul de foc (1994)Hercules and the Circle of FireGen: Aventuri, Fantastic, AcţiuneRol: Daughter #1
Hercule in Infern (1994)Hercules in the UnderworldGen: Fantastic, Aventuri, AcţiuneRol: Daughter #1
Coffin Rock (2009)Coffin RockRol: Jessie Willis
Jack Brown Genius (1996)Jack Brown GeniusRol: Sylvia
Out of the Shadows (2017)Out of the ShadowsRol: Linda Dee
Fiicele lui McLeod (2001)McLeod's DaughtersGen: DramăRol: Claire McLeod (74 episoade, 2001-2004)